Cat city Illustrations

This is a 3 illustration series I had to make as a final homework at an illustration workshop. The theme was "My invented country" and I decided to make a country of cats >_> I'm so original -__-;

They where all sketched in pencil and painted in Photoshop. It looks dirty and not perfect because that's what I tried to achive >_> I would had make them traditioanlly if I had the time, but no ;_;

“Only in the most exclusive restaurants we can find the unique option of having a bird served alive, in which the necesity of hunting for fresh food remains completely obsolete*”

*The restaurant isn’t responsible if your order escapes before arriving to your dish. 

“…and when August arrives, we can see the endless parties that take place on the roofs of the entire city. The music, lights and the euphoric meowing, invade the tranquility of the night."

“…and when August arrives, we can see the endless parties that take place on the roofs of the entire city. The music, lights and the euphoric meowing, invade the tranquility of the night.”

2 comentarios:

Unknown said...

estan barbaras

Tamy said...

para ilustracion tambiƱen tuve que hacer una tarea asi no tuviste clases con maria angeles vargas no?